Flood Insurance in Liberty

Floods consistently rank among the most damaging natural disasters for U.S. property owners. These incidents can arise from heavy rains, overflowing bodies of water and infrastructural issues. Furthermore, even a single inch of floodwater can wreak havoc on structures and their contents. Given how common and damaging floods can be, establishing and maintaining adequate flood insurance should be a top priority. 

What Is Flood Insurance? 

Flood insurance has historically been purchased through the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). However, in recent years, many private insurance companies have also begun to offer coverage. Regardless of how you purchase your policy, doing so can play a critical role in limiting the financial ramifications of a flood.  

Floods are often not included as a covered peril in standard property insurance. This means that policyholders may need to further invest in endorsements or separate policies to avoid being underinsured and left to pay for devastating losses out of pocket. 

What Does Flood Insurance Cover? 

Although exact details of coverage may vary, flood insurance policies typically include the following components: 

  • Building coverage can help financially protect the structural elements of a home or business, including its walls, foundations, plumbing and electrical systems, and attached fixtures (e.g., cabinets, bookshelves and paneling). 
  • Contents coverage can provide financial assistance to help policyholders recoup losses involving belongings damaged or destroyed by floodwater, including furniture, clothing, electronics and important documents. 

How Much Does Flood Insurance Cost? 

Many factors may be considered when assessing flood insurance needs and quoting rates for adequate policies, such as the following: 

  • Location 
  • Structural details (e.g., age and building materials used) 
  • Elevation and topographical details 
  • Proximity to bodies of water 
  • History of floods in the area 
  • Deductible 
  • Policy limits 

Get the Right Coverage 

The dedicated staff at Poole Insurance Agency is well-equipped to help you understand and address your coverage needs. Contact us today to get a personalized quote for flood insurance and secure an ideal policy. 



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